Monday, February 17, 2014

Call Me.. Maybe..

“…and I'll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!”

She let out a silent, hollow laugh as she went over those last lines of her favourite book again. She closed the book with finality and then stared at the half torn cover page for a while. With the torn half, Rhett Butler seemed to be wistfully pouting over the body of a headless woman. 
She smiled and put the book down, and a small gust of wind flipped it open again. She placed her phone on the book to hold the pages in place.

It’s getting windy; I should probably get my jacket”

She got up but then sat down again.

Or maybe a little later.

She looked at her phone again; he should have called by now.

Oh C’mon! Maybe he got stuck somewhere. Again. Or maybe it just slipped his mind to call. Again.

A chill ran down her spine as another gush of wind came. She took a sip of the coffee from the mug, only to realize that it had been sitting out way too long to be able to induce the slightest bit of warmth in her.  She sniffled as she bundled her body together, wrapping her arms around her legs.

She realized it was a quiet evening when she could hear the sound of a woman giggling with joy in the distance. Every now and then she would also hear a man’s voice singing a tune that she couldn't really tell, but it would always raise the sound of the woman’s giggles a pitch higher. She stressed her ears to be able to make out the song but she couldn't, all she could hear clearly was the woman’s hearty laugh- a happy, contented laugh. She placed her hands over her ears and closed her eyes.

Just call! Just this once!

The phone rang.

It was her mom.

She thought of just declining the call but then chose to answer it quickly. “Yes ma, I am almost done. Will be there in a bit. Love you” She disconnected and stared at the screen of her phone again.

FINE! Don’t Call ! If you can do without me, then so can I!

Angrily, she swung around to get up, losing her balance off the ledge of the terrace. In the next moment, with a harsh thud, she landed head-first onto the hard concrete road below.

On the terrace the phone kept ringing.

Jaanu calling.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Lonesome Crusader

He sighed and smiled, it had been a good night
His heart felt happy, his head felt light

Time to go home, he looked around,
his friends were somewhere in the crowd
In the sea of people they just couldn't be found
He swore under his breath, called their names out loud

Too drunk to make a better judgment call,
he decided to leave alone, to hell with ‘em all
His home was far away, and it was past 2’o clock,
but, it was a lovely night, he thought –Hey, why not walk!

He stumbled as he walked
and he fumbled as he talked,
“You ain't stopping till you’re home “,
to the orders his body rocked

He tripped and fell at one time,
and then lost his way at another,
but he kept on going forward,
until he couldn't any further

Tired, he lay on his back; his body giving up the fight,
“What was I thinking, why am I here alone tonight?”
Slowly his gaze wandered towards the cloudless sky,
a smile crept on his face as he got an answer to his why
You see, on that dark barren sky a million stars could have shone
But that night, the sky was lit with the brightness of the moon alone

Up on his feet again, he cried with all his might,
“This night is far from over, and baby so am I!”
He swears he walked home that night
But then, some say they saw him fly

Saturday, July 28, 2012


How did I not see this coming?
Could I really have gone so blind?
Serves me right to have to pay this price
For letting my heart rule over my mind

Every time you hit me was always the last
Your blows were quick, your apologies as fast
Angry glaring eyes soon ruefully downcast
I’d believe you every time, put it all in the past

Serves me right to have to pay this price
For letting my heart rule over my mind

That black leather belt we bought together
Would sting my skin as you bruised it tender
The blows would keep coming in harder and harder
Till my body gave up, my spirit surrendered

I‘d wake up the next day; and oh the pain
But you’d kiss it away and teary eyed explain,
“It’s not me when I’m angry, I just go insane”
I’d believe it when you’d say, “It’ll never happen again”

Serves me right to have to pay this price
For letting my heart rule over my mind

Laughing a moment ago, we now argue
A slap comes soon, and then a punch too
But it’s different tonight; the gleam in your eyes new
Suddenly you grab my neck; I see what you plan to do
I give you no fight or struggle, there isn’t a point to
You strangle me slowly at leisure, smiling as you do
As the lights begin to dim, you whisper, “I’ll miss you”
I close my eyes and, for the very last time, believe you

Serves me right to have to pay this price
For letting my heart rule over my mind

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The wait continues…

A silent moan escapes
as the eyes implore the dark horizon
for any signs of the one who left so long ago
without a promise of ever coming back
There hasn’t been a word since then
And yet, the wait continues

A knock on the door,
a silhouette walking in the distance,
brings to the lips a prayer of hope
Like the sight of an oasis in a blistering desert
the mirage only makes the yearning ache stronger
And yet, the wait continues

Each night a lamp is lit
to bring home the one who is wandered and lost
The oil fuels the lamp all night
while its glow feeds the now faint hope
Gloom marks every morning with the lamp’s soot
And yet, the wait continues

The memory of the face begins to fade,
the sands of time settle over the remains
Dreamless eyes evidence a hollowed soul
and the spirit of life is all but gone
Reasons of the mind useless, reasons of the heart endure
And yes, the wait continues

Friday, April 9, 2010

Feels like heaven

On days that seem darker than a night
She knows she’ll be fine, ’coz he holds her tight
In his arms she has found her haven

The firm assurance of his tender touch
His steady, silent gaze saying plenty much
In his arms she has found her haven

Let down by the world, she sobs and weeps
Shattered and tired, in his embrace she sleeps
In his arms she has found her haven

What he means to her, he just as well knows
Looks at her, loving her more-he holds her close
In his arms she found hers; in her heart he has found his haven

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Leaf(t) Alone

It gently fell to the ground,
Without much of a sound
Lifeless and abandoned, it lay there,
Watching the others sway in the air
It was never ready for the sudden gust of wind that came
Holding onto the branch, at such times, was an everyday game
But today the branch didn’t hold on back; it looked away, indifferent and distant
And suddenly, their strong bond was but a mere thread; that snapped easily in the next instant
Betrayed it felt, reliving in a moment the life they had shared
A dream or reality, at the lost haven it stared
The leaf made its way slowly to the ground, end was near
And yet, love was on its mind, not death’s fear
It decided to die in the soil beneath the tree
Separated forever, but now, together they will always be.

Friday, February 1, 2008

I look up at the sky
One day I will fly
With my wings spread wide
and no emotions to hide
one day I will fly

There will be no more sadness
no sorrows in life
Stabbing pain with it's own knife
I'll let out a joyous cry
One day I will fly

It is not just a desire
or a dream to be free
It is what I was born to be
I'll succeed when I try
I look up at the sky
One day I will fly

Monday, May 7, 2007

For the past few years
I've held back tears
only to let them go
at the right time, though
it is hard to pretend
to repair or to mend
relationships that do not exist
but still when you insist
tears form a shield over your eyes
and then not the world outside, but the heart cries....